VCU-led study finds discrimination over time leads to poor sleep
July 21, 2023
The study showed that experiences of discrimination can lead to taking longer to fall asleep, spending more time awake at night, and worse overall sleep quality.
VCU a finalist for Innovation and Economic Prosperity awards
July 20, 2023
President Michael Rao, Ph.D., hails APLU for “recognizing our emphasis on being a strong partner in our community.”
Honors student, faculty member research how to improve medical trust in Kenya
July 18, 2023
As part of a VCU summer research program, Rohan Rathi is working with professor Christopher Brooks on a project framed by pandemics.
Controlled cruelty: New study from VCU finds aggression can arise from successful self-control
July 13, 2023
A new study by a Virginia Commonwealth University researcher has found that aggression is not always the product of poor self-control but, instead, often can be the product of successful self-control in order to inflict greater retribution.
More than ever, startups at VCU are turning ideas into businesses
July 11, 2023
Where science meets commerce, TechTransfer and Ventures is helping inventors find an audience beyond campus.
‘The Guardians of Process’
July 7, 2023
A now somewhat-forgotten president created America’s professional civil service in 1883 and, by extension, modern U.S. government. Since then, civil servants have flourished and grown more and more necessary, all in the face of never-ending aspersions.
History well-spoken: VCU professor Carolyn Eastman to explore speechifying in the Revolutionary Era
July 5, 2023
Oratory – and how it shaped the early American identity – will be the talking points of July 20 address at St. John’s Church in Richmond.
South of the (Virginia) border, VCU alum Keith Rogers Jr. takes the lead as city manager
July 3, 2023
With two VCU degrees, a decade in Richmond government and a stint in N.Va., Rogers is now leading Rocky Mount, North Carolina.
From surf, turf and sky, NASA and VCU’s Rice Rivers Center deliver an immersive summer experience for undergraduates
June 29, 2023
In its inaugural session on the East Coast, the environmental research program taps VCU expertise and facilities to give 22 students from across the nation a hands-on role in high-level work.
Mixing the old and the new, Greetings from Hell puts a devilishly vivid spin on a VCU summer course
June 27, 2023
Through literature, art and even AI, students in Christopher Martiniano’s pandemic-era class dug into the underworld.