
Maya Aboulhosn spent a month at the Pagoda Lifestyle Hotel in Italy for a marketing internship. (Contributed photo)

Summer internship on Italian island offers a bit of la dolce vita for VCU undergrad Maya Aboulhosn

July 31, 2024

The marketing major spent a month working on social media content for a hotel while completing her minor in psychology.

Fourth-year political science student Zateya Jackson was one of 20 students selected to participate in the inaugural Meridian-Cox Foreign Service Fellowship for Emerging Leaders. (Courtesy of Zateya Jackson)

VCU political science student Zateya Jackson gets a crash course in Foreign Service careers and leadership

July 29, 2024

The rising senior embraced multiple programs this summer, including an inaugural Meridian-Cox fellowship in the nation’s capital.

VCU political science experts shared their insights on the dramatic new developments in the presidential race. (Getty Images)

Six takeaways from the shakeup in the 2024 presidential race

July 26, 2024

VCU political science professors offer insight into how the Biden-Harris developments this week have reshaped the election landscape.

“Grand Tour,” Elisa Gonzalez’s debut full-length poetry collection, is the winner of the 2024 Levis Reading Prize.

Elisa Gonzalez wins 27th annual Levis Reading Prize for ‘Grand Tour’

July 26, 2024

Her debut full-length poetry collection is selected by the MFA in Creative Writing program at VCU.

According to VCU psychology professor Richard Bargdill, Ph.D., the key to creativity - and saving yourself from a slump - is to just have fun with it. (Getty Images)

How do I get out of a creative rut?

July 26, 2024

VCU psychology professor Richard Bargdill outlines the likely causes and potential cures for every artist’s worst nightmare.

Zachary Hodgen’s lifelong goal of becoming a doctor has led him to a research lab at the University of Virginia this summer where he is researching worms that might offer insight into human biology. (Contributed photo)

Pre-med student Zachary Hodgen is examining what worms can tell us about the aging process

July 25, 2024

In an internship at a lab at UVA, Hodgen has developed a love of research and gained new insights into the medical field he one day hopes to join.

Josh Galarza, who is in his third year of the MFA in Creative Writing program at VCU, returned to adolescence for his debut novel, “The Great Cool Ranch Dorito in the Sky.” (Photo contributed by Josh Galarza)

In debut novel, VCU creative writing student Josh Galarza brings life to teen experience

July 23, 2024

The MFA candidate shares the inspiration for his young adult title and the lessons he has learned.

aerial view of v.c.u. campus

VCU computer outage affecting CHS classrooms, computer labs and servers

July 19, 2024

An extensive outage is impacting computers at VCU and VCU Health, including CHS classrooms, computer labs and servers.

Rebecca Segal

Rebecca Segal appointed acting chair of SSOR

July 18, 2024

Segal was appointed chair of the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics in April after serving in an interim role, and is a professor of applied mathematics.

olivia landry

Olivia Landry appointed chair of gender, sexuality and women’s studies

July 18, 2024

Landry is an associate professor of German studies in the School of World Studies.