Bequest Language
If you are considering a bequest but would like to ensure that your bequest will be used for a specific purpose, please let us know. We would be happy to work with you and your attorney to help you identify ways to give while meeting your charitable intentions. We will also work with you and your attorney to craft language to accomplish your goals. Following is some basic restricted bequest language to assist you and your attorney.
I give and bequeath (the sum of $___ or ___% of my estate) and/or ___% of the rest, residual and remainder of my estate to the Virginia Commonwealth University Foundation,* a nonprofit corporation located in Richmond, Virginia.
You must also designate your bequest to the VCU College of Humanities and Sciences by adding one of the following statements:
- This bequest is designated for unrestricted support for the VCU College of Humanities and Sciences.
- This bequest is designated for the VCU College of Humanities and Sciences to be used for support of __________________.
- This bequest is designated for the establishment of the (person’s name) fund at the VCU College of Humanities and Sciences. The purpose of this fund shall be _____________.
* The Virginia Commonwealth University Foundation serves as the repository of private support of all kinds in support of the College of Humanities and Sciences. The Foundation is tax-exempt under 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, Federal ID #54-0757884.