The Power of Planned Giving
Help support the College of Humanities and Sciences with a planned gift.
Leaving Your Legacy
Your support makes our vision a reality. When you make a gift to the College of Humanities and Sciences at VCU, you are investing in the next generation of students, creating new avenues of cross-disciplinary research and recruiting renowned scholars. Access, resources and opportunities are all critical components of our mission, and our supporters make it possible. This webpage will offer an introduction to your planned giving options.
Why a Planned Gift?
The College of Humanities and Sciences partners with the VCU Foundation to offer gift planning options that provide a future benefit to the College while meeting your financial and philanthropic goals. Your planned gift allows the College to plan for the future. Some planned gifts provide you with income. Many of them can reduce your taxes. The greatest benefit, however, lies in knowing you are supporting work that is valuable to you and will leave a lasting impact on a promising student or academic discipline.
A gift that reflects your valuesI want to be part of the continuation of the humanities at VCU. I think the humanities civilize us. They help us think critically. To have graduates become thinkers, sharers, contributors, that is just the best gift.
Investing in the Future
Gifts the College Can Use Today
There are many gifts in addition to cash that can benefit the VCU College of Humanities and Sciences today. These offer tax benefits, such as an income tax deduction, as well as the opportunity to support current programs, establish or add to an endowment or provide funding for capital improvements.
Outright Gift
You can make an outright gift of real estate, securities, a paid-up life insurance policy and other property of value.
Charitable Lead Trust
A lead trust makes payments to VCU for a designated period of time to support the purpose you choose. When the trust ends, the remaining assets are paid to you or other beneficiaries. A lead trust helps the VCU College of Humanities and Sciences now and can reduce the tax cost of transferring valuable assets to family members.
Gifts that Take Effect at Death
These deferred gifts ensure future generations will benefit from your generosity and legacy.
A bequest is a transfer of cash, securities or other assets made through your estate plans and can be made for a specific amount or percentage of your estate. Like other gifts, bequests can be unrestricted in purpose or designated to support a specific department, scholarship or professorship.
View language that can be used in your will to designate the VCU College of Humanities and Sciences as a beneficiary. Please consult with your attorney when making any estate plans.
Beneficiary of Life Insurance or Retirement Plans
You can designate VCU as a beneficiary of a retirement, investment or bank account or your life insurance policy by completing a new beneficiary designation form with your broker, banker or agent. Or, if you are 70½ or older, you may also reduce your taxable income by making an IRA charitable rollover to satisfy your required minimum distribution of up to $100,000 annually.
Gifts That Pay You Income
With careful planning you can receive an immediate income tax deduction, provide yourself or someone else with an annual income and support the VCU College of Humanities and Sciences in a meaningful way.
Charitable Gift Annuity
In exchange for a gift of cash or stock, the VCU Foundation will pay secure fixed payments to you or another annuitant you designate for life.
Charitable Remainder Trust
Contribution of assets to a charitable remainder trust provides fixed or variable payments to you and/or other beneficiaries you designate for life or for a term of years. The remainder is then put to use by VCU as you direct.
Ensuring future successI am pleased to learn of current happenings at the College and how things have developed on campus. Therefore, it was an easy decision to include the VCU College of Humanities and Sciences in my estate plan. I hope that the success of the College continues for many more years to come.
This webpage is intended to provide general gift planning information. VCU is not qualified to provide specific legal, tax or investment advice. We encourage you to consult with your own legal and financial adviser before making a gift.