Ways to Give
There are many ways to give. We would love the opportunity to speak with you directly about your hopes and dreams, giving goals and intentions.
Where the Need is Greatest
Gifts to the annual fund are essential to fuel the progress of the College. They provide a way to meet immediate needs for students and faculty when funding is not available from tuition, state or federal funding. Each year, hundreds of alums and friends make gifts ranging from a few dollars to $10,000 or more. Together they have tremendous impact. Will you consider supporting the College?
Your gift will help us support the most important initiatives of the College:
We must support our current faculty and staff and become the university of choice for renowned and promising faculty. Gifts to the College will help us increase research, creative outputs and a global presence—and most importantly, will help us better teach and serve our students.
To attract and retain academically promising, diverse and hardworking students, we must provide the necessary financial support. Federal and state funding cuts for tuition has resulted in our students taking out more loans than ever to pay for their education. Without the support of our alumni and friends, many students will have to forgo transformational educational opportunities such as internships, research, service learning in our communities, study abroad or domestically, and entrepreneurship incubator programs. And for some students, they will simply not be able to finish college.
Appropriately appointed spaces to learn, experiment and study are vital and will best prepare our students for their careers upon graduation.
Giving to a School, Department or Program
Some alums and friends of the College prefer to provide support to a particular department. To donate to a specific department or school, simply visit our secure online giving page and select your designation from the drop down menu. To choose a specific fund, please select “search for other funds” and use the search box.
Endowed Giving
A gift represents not only a greater financial investment in the College of Humanities and Sciences, but demonstrates your commitment to the success of our students, faculty, programs and our ongoing research. Gifts to the College have been made to endow scholarships, professorships, and support innovative research and more. While annual gifts generally support the immediate needs of the university, endowed gifts provide a long-term financial stability and demonstrate a deep level of commitment to enriching lives of students and faculty for years to come. To discuss endowed giving opportunities, please contact us at (804) 828-4543 or riddickm2@vcu.edu.
Planned Giving
Provide for yourself, your loved ones, and VCU. Many of us wish we were able to do more to express support for the organizations that mean the most to us. Planned giving, which includes financial and estate planning, allows you to express support without parting with the assets necessary to take care of yourself and your family. Planned giving instruments include bequests and charitable gift annuities which offer tax advantages to you or your heirs. A decision to make a planned gift, such as a bequest, must be carefully considered within the context of your goals, family, values, age, charitable interests, assets and giving capacity.
If you would to discuss a planned gift to the College of Humanities and Sciences please contact:
Mary Riddick
(757) 876-5075
Make a Gift via Check
Please make your check payable to the “VCU Foundation.” To restrict your gift to a particular department or fund, please note your area of interest or specific wishes on the memo line. You may enclose a note if the memo line is not sufficient. Please mail your check to:
VCU Humanities and Sciences Gift Processing
Box 843042
Richmond, VA 23284-3042