Get to know Ashley Jones: Fun facts and more

Introducing the College of Humanities and Sciences alumni engagement officer
Ashley Jones

VCU Alumni expanded its team this past fall with the addition of a new role: the alumni engagement officer. With six AEOs onboard, they’re now busy planning and executing dynamic programming for VCU’s colleges and schools, all geared toward boosting alumni involvement and support.

Ashley Jones, director of alumni engagement for the College of Humanities and Sciences, gives us a glimpse into who she is beyond her CV.

What’s your superpower? 

Oh gosh, I don’t know if it’s a superpower but I do try to find humor in most situations and, over time, have learned when it’s OK to point it out and when it should maybe be an inside thought.

What’s your hidden talent?

I’m really good at doodling and thinking of names and taglines for events. 

What would you do if you weren’t an alumni engagement officer? 

I’d have my own stationery store or be a really successful reality TV recapper (dream big).

What’s the most important item on your bucket list (if you have a bucket list)?

Shoot a T-shirt gun. I’ve been trying to position myself at the right event to be able to do this for at least 12 years. I’ve come close but haven’t made it … yet.

What was your favorite subject in school?


What’s something most people don’t know about you? 

I’ve been to WrestleMania.

What book character do you most identify with?

I don’t know about a book character. I will say that one of my favorite autobiographies I have ever read and related to was Rachel Dratch from SNL. 

What’s your favorite way to unwind? 

Watch reality TV on the couch with my dog, Arthur. 

What’s your favorite local restaurant/food truck/brewery? 

So far I’ve really loved going to Brambly Park. 

What is your top priority for engaging alumni?

Making sure that alumni know that VCU is here to give back to them and provide resources and community even after they graduate! 

Do you know where Ashley can shoot a T-shirt cannon? Or do you want to learn more about how you can connect with the College of Humanities and Sciences? Email her at

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