Dean's Office Contacts A to Z

Headshot of Melanie Barnes

Melanie Barnes

Job title: Senior finance technician
Location: 826 W. Franklin St.
Works for: Finance, Dean's Office
Rigby Bendele

Rigby Bendele

Job title: Associate director of advising for the humanities
Location: 827 W. Franklin St.
Works for: Office of Student Services, Dean's Office
Sheila Blair

Sheila Blair

Job title: Associate director of advising for the social sciences
Location: 827 W. Franklin St., Room 123B
Works for: Office of Student Services, Dean's Office
rachel bobbitt

Rachel Bobbitt

Job title: Senior academic affairs specialist
Telephone: (804) 827-8211
Location: 827 W. Franklin St.
Works for: Office of Student Services, Dean's Office
christopher burdett

Chris Burdett, Ph.D.

Job title: Special assistant to the dean
Location: Founders Hall, Room 322
Works for: Dean's Office
Bob Burgess headshot

Bob Burgess

Job title: Operation manager (STEM)
Telephone: (804) 828-4377
Location: 817 W. Franklin St., Room 116
Works for: Dean's Office
Vicki Byrd

Vicki Byrd

Job title: Adjunct faculty and finance operations manager
Telephone: (804) 827-0866
Location: 827 W. Franklin St., Room 118
Works for: Finance, Dean's Office
Alaina Campbell

Alaina Campbell

Job title: Director of advising, sciences
Telephone: (804) 213-2612
Works for: Office of Student Services, Dean's Office
kelsey cappiello

Kelsey Cappiello

Job title: Executive assistant to the dean
Telephone: (804) 827-0857
Location: 828 W. Franklin St., Room 104
Works for: Dean's Office
Russ Carmichael headshot

Russ Carmichael

Job title: Director of finance
Telephone: (804) 827-1359
Location: 828 W. Franklin St., Room 122
Works for: Finance, Dean's Office
shanika chattar

Shanika Chattar

Job title: Scholarship coordinator
Telephone: (804) 828-7612
Location: 827 W. Franklin St., Suite 123-E
Works for: Office of Student Services, Dean's Office
ayana clayton-brooks

Ayana Clayton-Brooks

Job title: Grants research administrator
Works for: Sponsored Programs, Dean's Office
Philathea Cole

Philathea Cole

Job title: Project coordinator
Telephone: (804) 827-6241
Location: 827 W. Franklin St., Room 110B
Works for: Office of Student Services, Dean's Office
Patsy Connors

Patsy Connors

Job title: Graduate support and finance operations manager
Telephone: (804) 827-0864
Location: 827 W. Franklin St., Room 120
Works for: Finance, Dean's Office
tamisha crews

Tamisha Crews

Job title: Human resources coordinator
Telephone: (804) 828-4084
Location: 828 W. Franklin St., Room 116
Works for: Human Resources, Dean's Office

Departments: History, Physics and Political Science

Mike Dunham

Mike Dunham

Job title: Technology services support
Telephone: (804) 828-6180
Location: 817 W. Franklin St., Room 210
Works for: HASTech, Dean's Office
Alexis Finc

Alexis Finc

Job title: Director of communications
Telephone: (804) 827-1351
Location: 826 W. Franklin St., Room 303
Works for: Communications, Dean's Office
Rodney the Ram

Kenya Gage

Job title: General services center manager
Telephone: (804) 827-2797
Location: 826 W. Franklin St.
Works for: Finance, Dean's Office
Sarah Golding

Sarah Golding, Ph.D.

Job title: Special assistant to the dean
Works for: Dean's Office

Golding supports the Dean's Office on special projects related to equity, diversity and inclusion as it relates to retention, graduation and student success.

Rodney the Ram

Dot Gonzales

Job title: Administrative assistant
Telephone: (804) 827-1804
Location: 827 W. Franklin St., Room 119
Works for: Finance, Dean's Office
Danielle Hairston

Danielle Hairston

Job title: Director of human resources administration
Telephone: (804) 827-1991
Location: 828 W. Franklin St., Room 115
Works for: Human Resources, Dean's Office
tonya hall

Tonya Hall

Job title: Senior development specialist
Telephone: (804) 827-0862 (office), (319) 541-4405 (cell)
Location: 826 W. Franklin St., Room 204, Box 842019
Works for: Development, Dean's Office
felicia harris

Felicia M. Harris

Job title: Director of sponsored programs
Works for: Sponsored Programs, Dean's Office
taj harris-paiva

Tazjia "Taj" Harris-Paiva

Job title: Major gifts officer
Location: 826 W. Franklin St., Room 206, Box 842019
Works for: Development, Dean's Office
Kimberly Hasley headshot

Kim Hasley

Job title: Generalist senior academic advisor, sciences
Works for: Office of Student Services, Dean's Office
katie hewitson

Katie Hewitson

Job title: Finance tech
Location: 826 W. Franklin St., Room 220
Works for: Finance, Dean's Office
chris hutchinson

Christopher Hutchison

Job title: I.T. analyst
Telephone: (804) 828-6180
Location: 817 W. Franklin St., Room 210
Works for: HASTech, Dean's Office
Catherine Ingrassia headshot

Catherine Ingrassia, Ph.D.

Job title: Dean
Location: 828 W. Franklin St.

Dean Ingrassia's assistant, Kelsey Cappiello, may be reached at

aja johnson

Aja R. Johnson

Job title: Graduate program coordinator
Telephone: (804) 827-1494
Location: 828 W. Franklin St., Room 202
Works for: Dean's Office
Photo of Ashley Jones

Ashley Jones

Job title: Director of alumni engagement, College of Humanities and Sciences
Telephone: (804) 828-8191
Works for: Office of Development and Alumni Relations
Laniece Jones

Laniece Jones

Job title: Assistant director of sponsored programs
Works for: Sponsored Programs, Dean's Office
john lee

John Lee, Ph.D.

Job title: Assistant director of student services
Telephone: (804) 828-8092
Location: 827 W. Franklin St., Room 123C
Works for: Office of Student Services, Dean's Office
suzanna levey

Suzanna Levey

Job title: Senior grants research administrator
Works for: Sponsored Programs, Dean's Office
D'Arcy Mays

Darcy Mays, Ph.D.

Job title: Executive associate dean for administration and analytics
Works for: Dean's Office
Krista McDonald headshot

Krista McDonald

Job title: Grants research administrator
Works for: Sponsored Programs, Dean's Office
Cassandra McGill

Cassandra McGill

Job title: Recruitment coordinator
Works for: Office of Student Services, Dean's Office
Marcus Messner

Marcus Messner, Ph.D.

Job title: Associate dean for faculty and academic affairs, humanities and social sciences
Works for: Dean's Office

Messner is responsible for supporting the Departments of African American Studies, English, Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies, History, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology, as well as the Robertson School and the School of World Studies.

Laura Middlebrooks

Laura Middlebrooks, Ph.D.

Job title: Faculty fellow mentor
Telephone: (804) 827-2938
Works for: School of World Studies; Dean's Office
anita nadal

Anita Nadal

Job title: Faculty fellow for community engagement and assistant director of El Centro at VCU
Location: 312 N. Shafer St.
Works for: School of World Studies; Dean's Office

Nadal previously worked for the Division of Community Engagement for 10 years, which supported many of the community-engaged programs she developed.

Brooke Newman

Brooke Newman, Ph.D.

Job title: Faculty fellow for faculty affairs
Works for: Department of History; Dean's Office
Timara Nichols

Timara Nichols

Job title: Human Resources Coordinator
Works for: Human Resources, Dean's Office

Departments: Psychology

amanda o'connor

Amanda O'Connor

Job title: Human resources coordinator
Telephone: (804) 827-7015
Location: 828 W. Franklin St.
Works for: Human Resources, Dean's Office

Departments: African American Studies, Gender Sexuality & Women’s Studies, Kinesiology and Health Sciences, Humanities Research Center, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Philosophy, Sociology, and Statistical Sciences and Operations Research

ashley opfar

Ashley Opfar

Job title: Assistant director for human resources
Telephone: (804) 828-8535
Location: 828 W. Franklin St., Room 113
Works for: Human Resources, Dean's Office

Opfar assists the director of human resources to help meet the needs of faculty, staff and students.

Juliana Rasnic

Juliana Rasnic

Job title: Director of advising, humanities and social sciences
Telephone: (804) 827-8217
Location: 827 W. Franklin St., Room 103
Works for: Office of Student Services, Dean's Office
Amy Rector

Amy Rector, Ph.D.

Job title: Associate dean for faculty and academic affairs, sciences and mathematics
Works for: Dean's Office

Rector is responsible for supporting the Departments of Biology, Chemistry, Forensic Science, Kinesiology and Health Sciences, Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Military Science and Leadership, Physics and Statistical Sciences and Operations Research.

Ramont Reed

Ramont Reed

Job title: Help desk manager
Telephone: (804) 828-6180
Location: 817 W. Franklin St., Room 210
Works for: HASTech, Dean's Office
Angela Reynolds

Angela Reynolds, Ph.D.

Job title: Associate dean for research
Works for: Sponsored Programs, Dean's Office
mary riddick

Mary Riddick

Job title: Director of development
Telephone: (757) 876-5075 (cell)
Location: 826 W. Franklin St., Box 842019
Works for: Development, Dean's Office

Riddick connects with humanities and sciences alums, emeriti faculty, community partners and friends to the college to engage them with future initiatives.

Rodney the Ram

Donna Ruff

Job title: Human resources coordinator
Telephone: (804) 828-1299
Location: 1001 W. Main Street, Room 2059
Works for: Human Resources, Dean's Office

Departments: Chemistry and Forensic Science

krista scott

Krista Scott, Ed.D.

Job title: Associate dean for enrollment and student success
Works for: Office of Student Services, Dean's Office

Scott is responsible for the development and implementation of strategy for undergraduate education and student success, including enrollment management, recruiting, advising, student outcomes and guidance on development of new degree programs.

John Seo

John Seo

Job title: I.T. business manager
Telephone: (804) 828-6180
Location: 817 W. Franklin St., Room 210
Works for: HASTech, Dean's Office
patrick sivils

Patrick Sivils

Job title: Senior systems analyst
Telephone: (804) 827-3605
Location: 817 W. Franklin St., Room 210
Works for: HASTech, Dean's Office
Rodney the Ram

Dacia Shamblin

Job title: Human resources coordinator
Telephone: (804) 827-2942
Location: 312 Shafer Street
Works for: Human Resources, Dean’s Office

Departments: English and School of World Studies

John Skaritza

John Skaritza

Job title: Director of technology and computer support
Telephone: (804) 827-4244
Location: 817 W. Franklin St., Room 210
Works for: HASTech, Dean's Office
Joshua Smith

Josh Smith

Job title: Faculty fellow for badges, internships, and experiential learning
Location: Temple Building, Room 2203D
Works for: Richard T. Robertson School of Media and Culture; Dean's Office
Sydney Smith

Sydney Smith

Job title: Social media specialist
Location: 826 W. Franklin St.
Works for: Communications, Dean's Office
Peggy Snead

Peggy Snead

Job title: Events specialist
Location: 826 W. Franklin St.
Works for: Communications, Dean's Office
justin sosnicki

Justin Sosnicki

Job title: Generalist academic advisor, humanities and social sciences
Location: 827 W. Franklin St., Suite 123-I
Works for: Office of Student Services, Dean's Office
Matt Springer

Matt Springer

Job title: Administrative Coordinator
Works for: Dean's Office
Headshot of Sarah Stanley

Sarah Stanley

Job title: Web administrator
Location: 826 W. Franklin St.
Works for: Communications, Dean's Office
India Urbach

India Urbach

Job title: Staff and leave personnel manager
Telephone: (804) 827-0966
Location: 827 W. Franklin St., Room 113
Works for: Human Resources, Dean's Office

India supports all full-time faculty and staff through the leave process as well as manages all staff recruitments for CHS and wage hires for the Dean’s Office.

Jonathan Waybright

Jon Waybright

Job title: Faculty fellow for academic affairs
Location: 14 N. Laurel St., Room 1000
Works for: School of World Studies; Dean's Office
Orna Weinstein

Orna Weinstein

Job title: Events management coordinator
Location: 826 W. Franklin St.
Works for: Communications, Dean's Office
Michelle Wilde

Michelle Wilde

Job title: Faculty personnel manager
Telephone: (804) 827-0854
Location: 827 W. Franklin St., Room 112
Works for: Human Resources, Dean's Office

Michelle manages all faculty recruitment and hiring for CHS as well as affiliate appointments.

melissa yancey

Melissa Yancey

Job title: Grants research administrator
Works for: Sponsored Programs, Dean's Office
rodney the ram

Nicolette Zbell

Job title: Generalist senior academic advisor, humanities and social sciences
Works for: Office of Student Services, Dean's Office